TFG was initiated by Steven Lichty in January 2012 and is comprised of both for-profit and non-profit entities, each oriented around two types of services—coaching and consulting. Frontline Consulting and Coaching (FCC) is the for-profit business and Catalyst is the envisioned 501(c)3 non-profit entity positioned to assist a similar demographic, but in situations where pro bono services will leverage a greater impact.
TFG’s logo is a modified version of Lionel and Roger Penrose’s never ending staircase, an illusionary object presented in a 1958 paper. Comprised of four sets of steps, a circular pattern develops, taking one either up or down, depending on one’s perspective. Westerners often approach life in a linear fashion, while those in the East view life as cyclical—TFG aims to learn from both approaches.
Consulting/coaching also helps discern the hidden illusions and spatial orientation and empowers clients/institutions to find their way forward. Each color used also represents three important symbiotic relationships: BROWN for the earth we live on, GREEN for the life around us and BLUE for the sky and bright future hanging above.
TFG plans to add additional personnel in the future, but below is a brief synopsis of the founder.
Steven Lichty
Social Architect, Consultant, and Coach

Steven has seven years of international experience with relief and development groups and non-governmental organizations working in Africa, Americas, Asia and Europe. These experiences have taken him to over fifty countries where he has worked in numerous areas, including: financial, public relations, human resources, legal, administration, grant writing, editing, monitoring/evaluation and political advising. He also has experience in the United States with the hospitality, travel and health/fitness industries. He studied abroad in France, Scotland and Kenya and spent three years teaching English, history, political science and African studies in Russia, Israel, the US and onboard the M/V Anastasis. Holding an undergraduate degree in business, economics and communications, two graduate degrees in international relations and political science, Steven is currently finishing his PhD in political science and a third master’s in international business at the University of Florida. He is also being trained and certified as a life coach. Steven received over $110,000 in academic awards and fellowships, including the Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Award and the Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship. He studied French, German, Spanish, Arabic and Kiswahili and his research experience has taken him to East Africa and South Asia.
On a more personal level, Steven’s central motivational thrust (core skill set) consists of developing, pioneering, capacity building, creating, exploring, empowering and influencing—all oriented towards transforming what is intangible or abstract into some concrete form of expression that builds capacity in systems, institutions and individuals. His top five StrengthsFinder attributes include: developer, futuristic, ideation, input and learner. His Myer-Briggs type (ENTP) and Enneagram (Type 7) enables him to be creative and energized in open-ended and dynamic environments where his ingenuity, improvisation and pioneering spirit can be employed to engineer human relationships and systems to become more efficient, effective, coherent and sustainable.
In short, as a Social Architect, Coach, and Consultant, Steven help's people and organizations envision their master plan and then empowers innovative capacity to bring about the plan’s realization. He helps clients fly high (BLUE) to see the forest for the trees (GREEN) and tunnels deep (BROWN) to explore the root issues and nourish the essential elements for continued growth and advancement.
On a more personal level, Steven’s central motivational thrust (core skill set) consists of developing, pioneering, capacity building, creating, exploring, empowering and influencing—all oriented towards transforming what is intangible or abstract into some concrete form of expression that builds capacity in systems, institutions and individuals. His top five StrengthsFinder attributes include: developer, futuristic, ideation, input and learner. His Myer-Briggs type (ENTP) and Enneagram (Type 7) enables him to be creative and energized in open-ended and dynamic environments where his ingenuity, improvisation and pioneering spirit can be employed to engineer human relationships and systems to become more efficient, effective, coherent and sustainable.
In short, as a Social Architect, Coach, and Consultant, Steven help's people and organizations envision their master plan and then empowers innovative capacity to bring about the plan’s realization. He helps clients fly high (BLUE) to see the forest for the trees (GREEN) and tunnels deep (BROWN) to explore the root issues and nourish the essential elements for continued growth and advancement.