Capacity Building Areas
The Frontline Group focuses its coaching and consulting work in six primary communities: academic, business, political, non-government organizations, religious and military. Depending on the context and situation, TFG will occasionally work with those outside these communities. These communities are highlighted below. Please contact TFG to request specific suggestions on how TFG can bring transformation and capacity building to these specific individuals and communities.
Academic Community
Academic Community
- Graduate Students
- Distant Education/ E-Learning Students
- International Students
- Faculty
- Staff
- Business Leaders
- Middle Management
- New Hires
- Innovators
- Social Entrepreneurs
- Politicians
- Political Parties
- Civil Servants
- Foreign Service Officers
- Non-Profit Organizations
- Relief and Development Organizations
- Churches, Mosques, Synagogues and Temples
- Parachurch Organizations
- Missionaries and Missionary Organizations
- Active Duty Personnel
- Discharged Personnel
- Spouses