Coaching is about visioneering an avant-garde metamorphosis for empowering and equipping you for accomplishing your personal and professional goals. Let’s break these concepts down.
- Visioneering – Andy Stanley calls visioneering “a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be.” Life coaching assists you in painting this picture of what could be and is driven by your own agenda. A coach is simply your personal trainer for visioneering.
- Avant-garde – Avant-garde is the French word for pushing the cultural boundaries of what is accepted as the norm or the status quo. Coaching is the personal application of pushing your own preconceived boundaries and ideas.
- Metamorphosis – The Greek word for transformation and conspicuous change is μεταμόρφωσις (metamorphosis). As a dragonfly moults and a tadpole grows legs, coaching can revolutionize your state of being.
- Empowering – A recent study found several reasons for seeking a life coach: 1) optimize individual and/or team performance; 2) expand professional career opportunities; 3) improve business management strategies; 4) increase self-esteem/self-confidence; 5) manage work/life balance. Coaching empowers and equips you to experience fresh perspectives on challenges and opportunities in your personal and profession life.
- Accomplishing Goals – Our goals, both personal and professional, are often viewed as outside of ourselves, but their attainment is attached to better understanding and accepting who we really are. As human beings, we are wonderfully complex creatures. Coaching is obviously related to helping you accomplish your goals, but maybe even more importantly, it indirectly sheds light on unexplored areas of your life that prevent you from attaining your full potential.