Business Community
Business Leaders
The ongoing success of any corporation or small business rests on the top leadership to provide the strategic vision for charting a course through the competitive and confusing maze of decisions, threats and opportunities. The stress and strain of this responsibility can lead one to request a time out—a time to stop and reflect on the past, present and future, but in a safe and confidential environment. TFG can be this one-stop place for guidance on how to navigate the challenges facing you privately and publicly. Because TFG makes few distinctions between many of the dichotomies we assume exist, fresh and invigorating perspectives can be gained to further your holistic advancement.
Middle Management
The glue that holds any sizeable firm together is the middle layer of women and men carrying out the plans and objectives of top leadership, training and managing new staff, meeting the demands of suppliers and customers, etc. Juggling these tasks ineffectively can rob essential time and energy from more productive investments. The periodic brain storming session can give new perspective and the assistance of a consultant/coach can help attain a birds eye view, enabling you to see the forest from the trees.
New Hires
You have just landed your dream job. How do you now excel in this new environment and successfully move forward? Coaching can help you map a path to attaining your personal and professional goals. This process can be exciting as you better discover your strengths and how to leverage them to the advantage of both you and your place of employment.
As companies move through the various business cycles, invariable a period of maturity can arise and lead to stagnation. Innovators can help navigate a firm out of this stagnation, but this often requires pushing the boundaries. One of TFG’s core competencies is providing support to cutting-edge, forward thinking innovators. A relationship with TFG can be just the catalyst needed to give innovators that essential competitive advantage.
Social Entrepreneurs
After several decades of tackling poverty through charity and aid, experts are returning to a historical model that more effectively brings populations out of poverty and into long-term economic and social livelihoods. This model is based on free market principles, rule of law, limited but supportive and effective governments and an ethical and moral foundation. This is not Capitalism 2.0 or related to Gordon Gekko’s vision of Wall Street’s big business. Social entrepreneurs are one of the key stakeholders in providing employment opportunities in social environments marked by stagnation, unemployment and poverty. By focusing on dignity, hard work, responsibility, opportunity and innovation, these entrepreneurs challenge the status quo of dependency and disempowerment by providing relevant business opportunities within a local community. TFG firmly supports these individuals and firms and can come alongside to build capacity in their marketing, manufacturing, sales, distribution, customer relations and human resources efforts.
The ongoing success of any corporation or small business rests on the top leadership to provide the strategic vision for charting a course through the competitive and confusing maze of decisions, threats and opportunities. The stress and strain of this responsibility can lead one to request a time out—a time to stop and reflect on the past, present and future, but in a safe and confidential environment. TFG can be this one-stop place for guidance on how to navigate the challenges facing you privately and publicly. Because TFG makes few distinctions between many of the dichotomies we assume exist, fresh and invigorating perspectives can be gained to further your holistic advancement.
Middle Management
The glue that holds any sizeable firm together is the middle layer of women and men carrying out the plans and objectives of top leadership, training and managing new staff, meeting the demands of suppliers and customers, etc. Juggling these tasks ineffectively can rob essential time and energy from more productive investments. The periodic brain storming session can give new perspective and the assistance of a consultant/coach can help attain a birds eye view, enabling you to see the forest from the trees.
New Hires
You have just landed your dream job. How do you now excel in this new environment and successfully move forward? Coaching can help you map a path to attaining your personal and professional goals. This process can be exciting as you better discover your strengths and how to leverage them to the advantage of both you and your place of employment.
As companies move through the various business cycles, invariable a period of maturity can arise and lead to stagnation. Innovators can help navigate a firm out of this stagnation, but this often requires pushing the boundaries. One of TFG’s core competencies is providing support to cutting-edge, forward thinking innovators. A relationship with TFG can be just the catalyst needed to give innovators that essential competitive advantage.
Social Entrepreneurs
After several decades of tackling poverty through charity and aid, experts are returning to a historical model that more effectively brings populations out of poverty and into long-term economic and social livelihoods. This model is based on free market principles, rule of law, limited but supportive and effective governments and an ethical and moral foundation. This is not Capitalism 2.0 or related to Gordon Gekko’s vision of Wall Street’s big business. Social entrepreneurs are one of the key stakeholders in providing employment opportunities in social environments marked by stagnation, unemployment and poverty. By focusing on dignity, hard work, responsibility, opportunity and innovation, these entrepreneurs challenge the status quo of dependency and disempowerment by providing relevant business opportunities within a local community. TFG firmly supports these individuals and firms and can come alongside to build capacity in their marketing, manufacturing, sales, distribution, customer relations and human resources efforts.